Tag: Queen Bee

Oh My Friend Ganesha!

I don’t know if it is because my favourite deity is Ganesha or because I have ancestral roots in the temple town of Ainavalli in Andhra Pradesh or because of the large scale festivities in Hyderabad, but Ganesh Chathurthi had always been my favourite festival.  My favouritism doesn’t end there. I eat, sleep, pray Ganesh and I also named my first born Ganesh. So that sums up everything, I rest my case!

Even during my childhood days, I had a pink and white Ganesha statue in POP (Plaster Of Paris) as my toy, more like companion! My pink Ganesha had a place on my bed, beside my pillow. It was a sad day, when I lost grip on the Ganesha , one fine summer morning and broke It, into 2 symmetrical halves, separated at His navel!

My mom let me have It on my bed for two years, but then, some elders warned her not to have a broken Ganesha at home and that was the end of our companionship! My cute little pink Ganesha was left under the hibiscus tree, which coincidentally had light pink blooms (same colour as my Ganesha), year round, to let the rains wash Him away!

That was how the story had ended.

My kiddos have no such bond with the Ganesha and it becomes apparent during this season, or so I thought.

A day before the Ganesh Chathurthi, Mr.Bee, I and both GBee and KBee got into the car and excitedly drove towards the Erragadda market. It is 5km away from our house.

Just like last year, it was drizzling and hawkers and shoppers both braved the drizzle to continue their shopping. The kiddos loved the Ganeshas, agreed on the One I showed them. (For now, I am the BOSS and they know it!) With the Handsome Hunk in my lap, we returned home!

While we got everything ready for the Ganesh puja, I was in my happy space, humming O My Friend Ganesha, Thu Rehna Saath Hamesha…! I was happy because I got home a Ganesha who had vibrant dhoti in my favourite colour, with a cute design. The dhoti clinched the purchase for me!

On His temporary resting place…

In Telugu states, as far as I know, people generally perform puja to only a Ganesh idol made of clay. It is the most auspicious choice. Second comes the idol made of plaster of paris. Even if anyone, (like us) is swayed by the beauty of POP Ganesha, we still buy a clay idol too. So we have two idols, for every Ganesh Chathurthi.

While we were busy preparing Ganesha’s puja mandapam, GBee began to chat with both the Ganeshas on the table, as if he was inviting some guests home!

GBee chatting up with old friends.

I was happy that GBee was talking to Ganesha like I used to during my childhood. But what surprised me the most is that he thought, the POP Ganesha and the clay Ganesha were cousins! LOL. (I mentally noted it, needs to go into my blog, I thought). There is another such incident during Varalakshmi Puja and it is a post for another day.

Anyway, we prepared the mandapam, set everything ready for the next day’s puja and slept off the exhaustion!

On the day of the Ganesh Chathurthi (i.e the next morning), I gave the kiddos a good oil massage and oil bath. (Both cried their eyes out! LOL. I wanted to laugh, but I couldn’t because watching the kids cry is exhausting!)  I remembered how I would also cry when my mom made me take an oil bath and massaged me, during my childhood. I am on the right track, I thought and moved on…

The puja itself lasted for half an hour. The preparations, the decorations, the prasadam and cleaning up the puja area take most time, than the actual puja. That is an universal truth!

Like is the case, after the puja, I went ahead to the kiddos, to put some Akshinthalu on their tiny heads, for blessing them with positivity and to avoid neelapanindalu (which can be loosely translated as ‘rumours affecting one’s reputation’.) While GBee was ok with it, KBee reacted in a way which surprised me.

KBee lying down on his stomach and watching TV and QB in a messy Mom-Bun hairstyle!

Since KBee saw us putting lots of akshinthalu on the deities during the puja, he thought they were only meant for Gods and not for mere mortals and reminded me that he is infact just a baby and NOT a Jeji (or GOD)! LOL.  What fun!

KBee later warned me not to invite my friends to our house. He said that I always invite friends home during puja and make them chant Telugu Stotras! (He was infact talking about my MIL’s friends who visit our home regularly to perform parayanam.) He assumed new ladies in the house meant, friends of mom!

With that, we ended our conversation and got busy eating the jilledu kayalu, undrallu and the other specials for the day. We also visited my parents house, ate the specials my mom made and ended the day with a stomach full of yummy stuff.

Thank you Ganesha, for a memorable day.


  1. For those who are new to our Hindu culture, akshinthalu is the grains of rice mixed with either turmeric or vermilion, which are showered on our heads by elders, to convey blessings.  Other words and meanings for you: mandapam = place where the Deity is kept during the puja ; stotra =  verses ; parayanam = chanting verses together;  dhoti = cloth tied up like a pant.
  2. None of my friends visit my house, because everyone has either one or two kids to look after and this is not the correct age for socializing. We are too busy for that. Who will make the kids study or do their homework if we go about socializing each evening???
  3. I always prefer tying my hair in a messy bun. I sometimes wonder how I have changed from the girl who once hated to have even a single strand of hair out of place to being a woman who enjoys messy bun! Times change, WE change, only change is constant!
  4. I would love to have atleast one cartoon in each of my posts, but they take a minimum of 1 hour to draw and edit!

Till the next post, cheerio!

Among the Dragonflies!

*** This post was written in during the Corona Lockdown of 2020***

How to spend time during the lockdown?

Well, GBee and I spend our mornings chasing after dragon flies.

It all started when it was decided that all the terrace space was going waste, so pots have been installed and seeds sown. Luckily for us, Rain God blessed us early on and with regular watering by Mr.Bee, the seeds have sprouted and plants grew in size.

We have climbers of cucumber and bottle gourd, plants of ladies finger (okra) and beans. Little coriander stalks with a couple of florets at the top, wave at us, with the slight breeze that lingers on the terrace, always.

The result of a dozen potted plants is, we now get to see a minimum of 10 dragonflies flying about our terrace at any given point of time, mostly the early mornings. Some 50 dragonflies already zoom around the bigger trees in our vicinity. (Almost all houses have huge trees.)

QueenBee and GBee discussing the dragonflies!

The impromptu meeting of the dragonflies!

To kill time, one fine morning, I showed GBee a dragon fly, resting on a random plant. Boy, was he hooked! Our daily routine now includes selecting a dragon fly and stalking it (out of its wits!), till it escapes from our line of vision by zooming away, above into the sky, probably for a peaceful life!

I, sometimes hum my favourite song, ‘thuneega thuneega’, a Telugu song, about two childhood friends running after dragonfly! (I am into situational songs!)

Now that we see dragonflies on a daily basis, we have discovered there are many varieties of them, which differ in colour, size and also texture. (Some look like they have been polished and some look rough, like they were chiseled by an amateur artist!)

Sadly, we are nowhere near Harry Potter’s amazing skills as a Seeker. He has keen vision which makes its easier to see and snatch a snitch in almost all his Quidditch matches.

GBee and I tried stalking a young dragonfly, which was hardly visible. It was a difficult task, because the fly was so thin and grayish in colour, matching the cement flooring on the terrace. It flew at a height of 5cm from the ground (low flier), and was difficult to perceive. I, now admire Harry Potter even more!

Nope, I and Gbee are not meant to be seekers, but we may get there soon, with practice and a little hardwork, stalking the dragonflies, that is!


  1. This was before KBee was born.
  2. I hated the lockdown, because that made GBee a silent kid. Luckily, once the lockdown was lifted, we would regularly visit maternal grandparents, because, we didn’t trust any other place during Covid and slowly things came back to normal.
  3. Incidentally, during PP-2 graduation ceremony in March 2023, all the parents of GBee’s classmates had similar stories to share, about kids being affected due to Covid lockdown. (Parents were asked to speak on stage during the ceremony, impromptu!)

Till the next post!

Passion for Pottery!

Have you watched the 1997 film, Titanic, directed by James Cameron? What is the most memorable scene that comes to your mind when you think of the movie ?

Some remember the last scene of Rose on the wooden plank and Jack freezing to death in the ocean, some remember an old couple dying together in their bed,  some cheerful people remember the famous titanic pose! But what I remember is the 100 Yr old Rose making pottery, in her very first scene! That was the moment I thought, wait, I need to learn pottery! (Love at first sight!)

Bam! More than 15 yrs after watching the scene, I land in Charlotte and learn pottery for nearly 2 years, spending minimum of 24 hrs, each week!

My first love is, was and will be pottery!

So today, P for Pottery.

Pottery done by Queen Bee!

The above image shows part of the collection of pottery I made. I have nearly 60 pieces of pottery with me. (I, especially shipped them to India, thanks to Mr.Bee for understanding my passion for pottery. One or two pieces of my collection ended up broken, but its fine. I can live with that!)

Pottery is the art or process of making articles or vessels with clay. There are two basic techniques in pottery,  hand building and wheel throwing.

Let’s see what wheel throwing is about….

Firstly, the required lump of clay is shaped or kneaded, just like how we do with roti dough! This is the most important step. The air bubbles are pottery’s worst enemy. They can cause cracks.

There are different methods of kneading too!

Then the kneaded or prepped clay is thrown on the potter’s wheel, which is run through an electric motor and different articles of varied shapes are made.

A creamer pot and a cookie jar – Any external design is added at this stage.

Once the required shapes are made, they are let to dry and then fired in the kiln. There are many different firing techniques too. But I only tried electric firing. I wish I had tried the Japanese Raku. (I was expecting my first baby GBee when we were taught Raku firing and I skipped the class!)

Bisque fired Creamer pot and Cookie Jar

Once the pottery is bisque fired, it is then glazed with different colours. They look something like this.

Glazed pottery is fired and the finished pottery looks something like this.

That’s the process of wheel thrown pottery. But if are into creating something unique, then hand building is for you.

I tried my hand at hand building to make an elephant. It is a tedious process but very gratifying and satisfying! Even bowls , cups  and vases also can be made through hand building.

The Elephant – My only hand built pottery! 

So, did you like pottery?

1. Pottery is an ocean of an art! More posts on pottery will be out in future. I can’t fit everything about it in a single post.

I miss pottery. Hope to get back to it. The couple of coffee mugs in the first image are the ones I made for me and Mr.Bee.  All the images except the one with the kneading of clay are my own.

2. Some glazes are not safe for food consumption. Proper warning is generally given, if the pottery is unsafe for food consumption.

3. The only advice I would like to give as a former potter, is that, if at all any or the porcelain or ceramic articles you have at your house is chipped or develops a crack(even a hairline crack), do dispose it and don’t try eating/drinking in those. It is highly dangerous chemically as well as a hazard if you end up consuming the chips of the articles by mistake!

4. The other hobbies starting with a P are Polo, Painting, Para-sailing, Para- gliding and Photography. (which is Mr.Bee’s passion!)

Till the next post, alvida!

Rowdy Baby!

Thanks to the energetic and graceful dancer Sai Pallavi and Rajnikanth’s Mapillai (son in law) Dhanush, Rowdy Baby is a popular chart buster in South India. The song is beautifully pictured and choreographed and is a foot tapping number, which doesn’t bore us, even if we have seen it more than a couple of times in one sitting!

The context in which I am going to use the said catch phrase of Rowdy Baby is completely different though. This one literally means a baby who is a rowdy, i.e. KBee!

Two years ago, when the little baby KBee was born, I and Mr.Bee were alone in the hospital thanks to COVID restrictions, we had everyone of our family near us but no one was allowed inside!  (So near yet so far!) We had to fend for ourselves, leaving GBee at maternal grandparents’ house and ya, it felt lonely!

Since we were managing everything by ourselves, we had little to, no sleep. Mr.Bee and I took turns to sleep when the tiny KBee was awake and when he was asleep, both of us would sleep.

On the day of his birth, by evening, the duty pediatrician had arrived, to check the progress of KBee.

Queen Bee in a post partum daze, standing with her hand on imaginary wall!

The pediatrician was so good as to warn us before hand, that the baby is going to be one hell of a rowdy fellow! I laughed it off, poor Queen Bee!

One and half years later…one evening…

1.5 years later, KBee, kicking the books, like there is no tomorrow!

KBee enjoys throwing all the books from their shelves on to the ground and stamping and kicking them, like they owe him an apology for some reason!  I am yet to come up with a reasonable explanation, except that boys will be boys and they tend to ‘rough-house’! I pity all those books, which have lost their covers or miss their pages and which are forever imperfect, thanks to the rough housing! Suddenly I am thankful that they have managed to survive these many years, without all the abuse, so that is a plus.

Some other times, KBee tends to bring his shoes, wear them and plead me to take him outside to play. If I ever tell him NO, then all the hell breaks loose.

A ‘no’ from me gets, flying flip flops as a reply!

I once told KBee that the Moon was already out and it is not the time to wear his ‘shoos’ and go to play outside. The next second, I saw flying flip flops and a tantrum throwing baby on the ground and I knew he will surely shine in soccer or football or whatever it is Lionel Messi is good at! (Soccer = Football, but these people love to confuse us with two different terms for the same sport.)

With incidents like these happening in quick succession, a memory suddenly flashed before my eyes…The one, where the duty pediatrician had commented about KBee being a Rowdy Baby!

The prophecy comes true ; Rowdy Baby indeed!

What else can I do now, except play Rowdy Baby in a loop!


Disclaimer : I am in no way trying to demean Dhanush by saying he is just a son in law of popular superstar and nothing else! I wanted to use the little Tamil that I know in the post and that is the only reason for such a usage. No offense intended.

By the way, I prefer the Rowdy Baby song in Tamil, than in Telugu.  Which one do you like? Do drop in comments.

Till the next post…cheerio!

Ignorance is (NOT) Bliss!

Whoever said ignorance is a bliss needs to meet me personally, to get an earful! They must be joking, right?

I learnt my lesson the hard way.

Let me elaborate on the point…

All had been well and I remember announcing the arrival of Baby No. 2 , KBee, in my blog and that was my last post for 2021.  I also re-christened my first born, from Baby Bee to GBee, now that he is not a baby anymore, but a pre-schooler. (We named our first born as MG and the younger one as MK. )

Anyway….coming back to my original  plot of the post…

2021 had been a busy year, what with my share of good and not so good experiences. By the time we entered the last quarter of 2021, I had been so ignorant that my hosting plan had expired! I couldn’t renew it within a month of expiry date, due to issues with the credit card. (My blog was being hosted with my previous USA address, even after relocating to India)

I cursed the bank and the Government for the new guidelines, which made the renewal difficult. (Conspiracy right under my nose!) I lost all the years worth of my precious moments, events and prize winning blog posts to the “black hole” of internet. (Sadly my backups failed me.)

I don’t know how Lord Voldemort must have felt when Harry Potter destroyed all the seven horcruxes, the 7 parts of his evil soul, one at a time, but when I lost all the 7 year worth of precious data, I felt “this” must be it! (I am a Harry Potter nerd , through and through. I tend to drag Harry Potter world into my life, drawing parallels. J.K.Rowling must be thankful for having me as a fan! I hate ‘The Cursed Child’, that’s there!)

I felt so sad for a couple of days, I never knew one could connect so emotionally to one’s own writings. I shed many a precious tears, I mourned the early and sudden demise of my blog.

Slowly I let bygones be bygones and decided to start afresh.

So here’s to a new beginning of the blog, albeit with an old name!

Welcome back to BeeAfterYou, where the buzzing is always true!


  1. It feels so gratifying and encouraging when friends and family enquire after my blog and my writing schedule or the lack there of! It is such a humbling experience and truly inspires me to sit , write , edit, edit, edit, edit and post!

Thank you for all the love and I truly appreciate the concern. Lots and lots of love, dear readers…. QueenBee is back!



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