Tag: Mommy Diaries

The Animal Farm

This particular post is during the time I was heavily pregnant with my first born, GBee. So, it was in 2017.

It all started with me returning to Hyderabad.  Living in an apartment in India is not new to me, but finding myself in the company of many animals is!

One fine Sunday afternoon, when our home was filled with guests of all ages, we were immersed in talking about various topics, when all hell broke loose! I heard cries which scared the hell out of me. The cries came from our veradah. Inspite of my present state, I rushed to see what the matter was.

There, standing near the utility area were two monkeys, eating the snacks mom had given our house-help. The monkeys scared off our 60 year old house help like a couple of predators and began munching her hot bajjis. (Mom had prepared bajji for all our guests and gave some to our house help.) Our house help was so scared, she cried in blood curdling scream, ran towards our watchman and that was the scene before our eyes. Both the monkeys were munching away the snacks, like there was no tomorrow!

It is all together another story of how the monkeys were shoo-ed away.

And then, there is the cat!

The stubborn little creature can’t be scared and shoo-ed off easily. Even when we shout or shoo it away, the cat doesn’t bat an eye! It looks on with little respect at our “cat shooing away skills”!

The first time I saw the little monster was when I left the door to the verandah open and the cat found it too tempting not to barge in. I had to hurl a slipper near the cat (taking pains not to hit it. Yes, PETA,I am not cruel to animals, but I don’t like being taken for granted either!) The stupid one, didn’t budge! It took three of us to force it away.

One or two such incidents left me with bad taste for cats! (I had a cat as a pet for one day in my childhood! Did I happen to tell you that story? If not, will do that in the future)

What do you do if the said cat empties the dust bin, yes, every single day!

And I once caught the same cat staring at the coconut tree, what a weirdo! ( on second thought, there is a belief that cats can scare away ghosts, so this stray kitty was probably scaring off a coconut tree ghost! Lol)

                                                                 Cat staring the coconut tree!

I also took a picture of a tiny little mud structure made by mud wasps, which now reminds me of the cartoon GBee and KBee watch regularly,  Ben and Holly, where Ben is an elf and Holly is a winged fairy. (There is a belief in our state that if  wasps built a mud structure in your house, it implies good things are on their way to you, in my case, birth of my GBee)

Mud structure made by hardworking wasps

That was when I decided that living in the heart of the city, one can still feel like they are living in a modern ranch with lots of animals for company and there it is, my own Animal Farm!


  1. You can hardly control a child these days, let alone shooing away animals, who are less intelligent than a child.
  2. The concept of cats scaring off ghosts was also seen in the movie The Mummy, if anyone cares to recall it!
  3. On totally unrelated note, I love two songs from two sitcoms, “smelly cat” from F.R.I.E.N.D.S and “soft kitty, warm kitty” from  The Big Bang Theory.
  4. With industrialization, more and more monkeys come into cities and are creating nuisance on a regular basis. I recently saw a video of monkeys taking a respite in the over head tank of a house. They were having an unorganised pool party! I deleted the video by mistake and it’s not AI generated one, it’s an original.
  5. I always imagined there were fairies in our garden etc and Ben And Holly has similar concept of humans interaction with elves and fairies.

Disclaimer: Come on, Mr.George Orwell (Desi born British novelist), I am just using your highly popular book title, but that’s it. My post is not plagiarized in anyway. Thanks for letting me use the title! 😛

Rabbit or is it Ribbit?

My kids, sit day after day, watching Peppa Pig with utmost interest and anticipation! They love, cherish, admire and imitate Peppa Pig. Sometimes, they role-play together, with GBee playing the role of Peppa Pig and KBee imitating his favourite character George Pig!

KBee is so into Peppa Pig, that he owns a George Pig plushie and even chants the ‘dinosaur’ dialogue of George, day in and day out!

KBee learned to talk after watching Peppa. Before that, he was not into talking, but would only communicate by pointing at things!

Anyway, an average day in our house looks something like this…

Watching Peppa Pig on T.V.

GBee mostly sits on the sofa, with his full attention on the T.V screen, while KBee prefers sitting on the floor with his legs bent at knees one in each direction, forming an ‘M’ with his legs!

The kiddos managed to learn English and speak in a British accent too, thanks to Peppa Pig. KBee is one step ahead of GBee and also snorts like Peppa Pig does, from time to time! Lol!

Both of them incorporate the dialogues they see in Peppa Pig in our daily lives. Earlier, I would wonder where they learnt certain stuff. But now, I can tell blindly, where they learnt what!

One fine day, when GBee had gone to school and KBee and I were alone in the bedroom, me folding my laundry and KBee playing with his toys…

Suddenly, KBee began saying ‘rabbit’ repeatedly!  After I heard him say ‘rabbit’ again a couple of times in the next 15 minutes, I decided to check what it was about.

I saw KBee holding a tiny green frog squish toy and thanks to his knowledge from Peppa Pig and another BBC special, Duggee, he began to say ‘rabbit’ in the place of ‘ribbit’, the sound made by frogs.

Rabbit or is it Ribbit?

I laughed a little after understanding what KBee meant and corrected him.

When GBee was a three year old baby, he would learn everything from me. But KBee only prefers to learn what his anna GBee teaches him. He royally ignores me!

Next in his list of teachers after his precious anna is, Peppa Pig. Then come his other shows on T.V., followed by daddy and lastly, me, his mom. He ranks me last on his personal favourites list! I don’t mind though. He takes after me in almost everything!


  1. I have always been partial towards my dad and looked up to him. Its no wonder KBee does the same.
  2. GBee used to watch Pocoyo, Duggee during his kindergarten years. KBee watches Peppa Pig and Duggee but hates Pocoyo.
  3. Both learnt their English accent from British cartoon shows!
  4. The first cartoon shows GBee and KBee both looking directly at us, the readers and not at the T.V. watching Peppa Pig. I always ask my kids to look at the camera when I take pics of them daily, anytime of the day, begging them to look at the camera. So this particular cartoon is a homage to my own self, for always asking the kids to look at the camera!
  5. My diaries are filled up with loads of cartoons. Due to some incidents in my personal life, my blog is being grossly neglected. Hmph! Let’s see how this goes…

Till the next post, cheerio friends and readers….

The ‘Pallu’ Holder!

*****Disclaimer: This was written way back in 2014 and I brought it out of the archives to post here*****


The pallu-holder that I was, my people believed I would pick up the nuances of household chores (or at the very least,cooking!) from my mom, which is far from truth.

I had always been very ignorant about anything worthwhile! (I enjoy talking more than listening, you see)

And last week when I decided to give mom a break from her cooking duties, I had a mini-test! (almost like an internal exam)

So after making rotis in shapes of all the continents and I ended up inventing a few shapes of my own. Say, wait a minute, may be I should apply for a patent for all those innovative shapes! Feeling proud…itni khushi! (The only dialogue I love of Bollywood hero Govinda is this, Itni Khushi, from Partner. I like simple dialogues the most. Just like Devvvvudaa from RaceGurram, a Telugu movie.)

But even though I make rotis in new shapes, I can’t replicate the same shape again! (Innovation is a talent you see..)

I ended the day with a happy face, you ask me why,…see the cartoon below.

Cooking is an important life skill, for survival. So both boys and girls need to learn the bare minimum. Men who cook for their spouses, now and then, will surely be appreciated.


  1. Time and again I prove my cooking skills are as bad as a kindergarten kid’s. But who cares, as long as your family loves you for trying. I got a pat on the back, yippeee..! (Now my cooking is a little better, thanks to marriage and motherhood!)
  2. ‘Pallu’ holder is the term I coined to indicate all the kiddos in every family, who are closer to mom, a mama’s baby (As a kiddo,I always had my mom’s pallu in my hand. Hence the title). Younger kids in a family are generally closer to mom. I am a self-proclaimed ‘Pallu-holder’ and proudly so! (Now that I think about it, I am closer to dad too. We have always been a close knit nuclear family!)
  3. All younger kids are not pallu holders and all older kids are not closer to dad, exceptions always exist.
  4. Kids these days hardly get the chance of being a pallu holder, what with moms like me hardly wearing sarees except for special occasions like festivals.
  5. Pallu is the Hindi word for the loose end of the saree worn over the shoulder. (This little snippet is for the little audience that I have overseas!)

The Banana Guava!

After almost a year and half,  I have taken to drawing a cartoon again. It feels so gratifying, being able to draw and write, like I used to. It is also the first cartoon my new character, my younger son, KBee is debuting in!

Anyway, coming to the present topic, the title must have confused you readers, let’s be frank, its not even a word. It is a group of words. Thanks to GBee for coining the term for me and as I put our conversation here, it will be a tiny part of internet history!

As is usually the case, whenever we bring home vegetables and fruits after buying them from the market, we lay down everything in the open, ready to put them in separate covers.

This time around, we did the same and had all the vegetables out on the floor. Little did we guess that we may get the attention of the baby, KBee! He and his brother had been immersed in D-Billions, but then, who can resist colourful vegetables? Not a certain KBee!

KBee picking up the bottle gourd, (Lauki.)

KBee usually enjoys, ‘tomato’napping (kidnapping tomatoes), mostly to either smash them or bite them off. But this time, he ran away with a bottle gourd! I went after him, to ask him, if he knew what he was taking…but the kid hardly knew how to say amma! (He was a little over 1 year, during this particular scene)

Once, KBee he had our undivided attention,GBee, likes to be included too! GBee, who had been listening to me, had given me his answer…

Getting a response to one’s question can sometimes baffle us!

Yes! He replied Banana Guava!

Eye opening moment

Even though it was a baffling moment. It was also crystal clear, why GBee had given me the answer he gave! (He looked happy and content, he felt proud of himself, for coming up with an answer, to shut his mother down!)

According to him bottle gourd is Banana Guava, because, it is elongated and almost shaped like a banana and also in the colour of a fresh guava. Hence the name. Of course, this was my deduction, since I know GBee like the back of my hand.

So the next time you see a bottle gourd, I hope you remember ‘The Banana Guava’ episode!


  1. Apart from Cocomelon, Chuchu tv, Infobells, Grizzy and the Lemmings, the kids love watching D-Billions, which is fun to watch. Even I like watching those. (Actually, its the only stuff I get to watch on T.V.  Our T.V. has been conquered by Samrat GBee for now. It is under his rule! Some day, it may be under the rule of Samrat KBee.) Mera number kab ayega? Can’t say!

Cheerio till the next post.

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